Monday 19 September 2011

List of Endangered Wildlife!

These are among few of endangered animals..

African Elephant

  • Poaching of the African elephant has led to the diminution of their numbers across the continent, and the result has been that African elephants are now endangered. The once-numerous species -- with a population formerly in the millions -- has dwindled and is at risk from poaching and habitat loss. These animals are an important part of biodiversity in Africa.

Polar Bear

  • There are between 20,000 and 25,000 polar bears in the world, and these animals face an uncertain future. Polar bears are a threatened species and -- despite international efforts and legal agreements from countries such as Canada, Denmark, Russia and the United States -- their habitat is threatened. Climate change is the single biggest threat to polar bears, and scientists are worried that continuing warming will make them susceptible to extinction.

Marine Turtle

  • Currently there are seven species of marine turtles in the world, three of which are listed as critically endangered. Another three are listed as endangered. One species is threatened. Trade in these animals is internationally prohibited, but continues in some places. While the animals can reproduce in significant numbers, few of their offspring survive due to natural predators and the harvesting of turtle eggs or the disturbance of their nesting environment.

Siberian Tiger

  • While the population of the Siberian tiger is stable, it is still highly endangered and formally listed as such. In the 1930s, the number of Siberian tigers in the world plummeted to as low as 20. Today, there are approximately 400 living in the wild, although these animals face threats to their survival through hunting and habitat destruction. Limited genetic diversity within the species -- due to the small number of remaining tigers -- is also a threat to the stability of the population.

Wildlife is in danger...

what makes wildlife become extinct by time to time...??

Many species of wildlife are endangered; some have become extinct due to the destruction of the animals' habitats from agricultural, industrial, and urban developments, as well as having to compete with humans for food. Several hundred species of animals still face the danger of extinction. Such wildlife include the grizzly bear, the jaguar, the panda, the squirrel monkey, the fox, the tiger, and the whale.